Heckenberg Public School

Collaboratively pursuing excellence and opportunity

Telephone02 9607 8672


Happy Hectors

Classroom Happy Hectors

Classroom Happy Hectors are handed out by the Classroom Teacher for positive behaviour in class. Once a child receives two Happy Hectors in class they may trade their Happy Hectors for a dot on their PBL Chart. Once a child has 9 dots on their chart (3 dots for being safe, 3 dots for being respectful and 3 dots for being a learner) they are eligible to receive a coloured award (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Super Gold).

To determine a student's eligibility all staff will be consulted and approval given before the child is awarded a certificate. If a child is deemed ineligible parents will be informed by phone, informing them of a 2 week negotiation period.

Playground Happy Hectors

Playground Happy Hectors are blue in colour (classroom Happy Hectors are white). They are handed out to students on the playground for being safe respectful learners. Once a child has received 10 Playground happy Hectors they are eligible to receive a Principal's Award. Principal's Awards are handed out at morning assemblies.